Document menu button: Superfast access to folders inside of your Documents folder from the menu bar.

Action Menu button: access contextual menus from the menu bar."Pause" drag-and-drop operations: Drag some files or folders to the Drop Stack, and drag them out when you need them.New! Simple File Sharing and Networking: Path Finder 3.2.1 now has a completely brand new and improved Connect to Server feature, which makes connecting to remote servers and computers a snap.New! Fast File Search: Utilizing new Mac OS X searching technology, Path Finder 3 helps you find your files faster and more effectively than before.Access frequently-used folders and files: The Shelf gives you quick and easy access to applications, files, and folders.Path Finder also has a well-designed user interface for viewing and navigating your hard disks. Path Finder is similar to the Finder, but it also puts an Aqua user interface on many powerful Unix tools for operating on files.